Wednesday, September 20, 2006 

Few exciting things

I feel many times that how life will be when by some random chance I become a kid again ! .. Or what if i become a bird like eagle ! ......Soaring high in the skies and keep a view of the lesser mortals on the earth ....seeeing them fighting n struggling for small things and neglecting the things tht reallly matter ....neglecting the people around , forgetting friends and forgetting real n chasing dreams ......running for unreal and going in a circle ! ... ..OR if i become a kid I will enjoy every emotion with purity , with a renewed intrest in learning and expereimenting . Sometime I wonder how amazing kids are learning atleast 1000 new things the time they are growing .......I remember how excited I was to learn cycling and everytime i use to see someone cycling I had a desire to ride it ....Now cycle is one of the most insignificat thing and which no more excites ! ....though same thing comes for nehing tht get old always seek new things .....Attending school was a excitement n so were all the national holidays ...Sometime around last year I had a chance to see a school gathering on 26th january in Pune ...Thats was a amazing nostagia ......Some of other few excitng things i remember like
@ : 10th board exams
@ : Martial Arts Blue belt test
@: Driving scooter for the first time
@: Riding Hero Puch
@ : JEE
@ : Entering college life
@: Falling in love
@:Munar Trip
@ : Getting first job
@ : Clearing my BTP :p
@: Coming to Pune for the first time
@: Ocassionally when I feel happy about the work
@ : Learning to play TT / Tennis (ocassionally )

Monday, September 18, 2006 

Pyaar K Side Effects !

This weekend we went for the Movie called Pyaar k Side effect ....Given the preconcived notion i have for typcial hindi films I was expecting almost nothing from that ....Infact something like wasting my precious 3 hours and gaining nothing out of that ....... But the movie was really a nice one and I willl suggest ppl to watch it ....Not only because of Mallika Sherwat but also for the way one can make simple movies without much of nonsense ..Simple Humor ,Simple direction and simple message ....Sometimes I feel how can ppl make blunders like KANK n all other stuff on that line ....Pyaar K Side effect started on a real cool note with the couple(Rahul Bose + Mallika Sherwat ) fighting over issue of getting married and then the narration starts in flashback ....The movie moves itself from past to present and present to some parrallel present in a fanatstic way ..Supporting cast was also good ....I m not really good in writting movie reviews but I think one should watch this movie n feel the slow cool humor :) ....Do watch !

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 

My experimentation with cooking

Since last few weekend Akhil n me were planning to test are newly accuried cookign skills for preparing Daal-Baati :-? ...Now to unititiated ones they are missing some taste of north India...though i will defer to say they are missing on life if they dont have this or like it ..Coz its upto the taste and thats very person speecific ! ....So IT is a very heavy and graceful Indian dish .. How I made it and how does it look we will kmow in sometime ... :)
Steps to Make Daal :
Take the white or black udaat daal mix some chanaa daal with that and wash it throughly

There after make the fry and fry the dal as shown:

Prepare Aloo :

Preparing the Baati Thing here :

The Final meal is now ready: